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3.2 Naming Conventions

Choose names that clarify the object's or entity's intended use. Ada allows identifiers to be any length as long as the identifier fits on a line with all characters being significant (including underscores). Identifiers are the names used for variables, constants, program units, and other entities within a program.



  • Choose names that are as self-documenting as possible.
  • Use a short synonym instead of an abbreviation (see Guideline 3.1.4).
  • Use names given by the application, but do not use obscure jargon.
  • Avoid using the same name to declare different kinds of identifiers.


In a tree-walker, using the name Left instead of Left_Branch is sufficient to convey the full meaning given the context. However, use Time_Of_Day instead of TOD.

Mathematical formulas are often given using single-letter names for variables. Continue this convention for mathematical equations where they would recall the formula, for example:

   A*(X**2) + B*X + C.

With the use of child packages, a poor choice of package, subunit, and identifier names can lead to a visibility clash with subunits. See the Rationale (1995, §8.1) for a sample of the resulting, rather obscure code.


A program that follows these guidelines can be more easily comprehended. Self-documenting names require fewer explanatory comments. Empirical studies have shown that you can further improve comprehension if your variable names are not excessively long (Schneiderman 1986, 7). The context and application can help greatly. The unit of measure for numeric entities can be a source of subtype names.

You should try not to use the same name as an identifier for different declarations, such as an object and a child package. Overusing an identifier in seemingly different name spaces can, in fact, lead to visibility clashes if the enclosing program units are intended to work together.


See Guideline 8.1.2 for a discussion on how to use the application domain as a guideline for selecting abbreviations.

Subtype Names


  • Use singular, general nouns as subtype identifiers.
  • Choose identifiers that describe one of the subtype's values.
  • Consider using suffixes for subtype identifiers that define visible access types, visible subranges, or visible array types.
  • For private types, do not use identifier constructions (e.g., suffixes) that are unique to subtype identifiers.
  • Do not use the subtype names from predefined packages.


type Day is
(Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday,
Saturday, Sunday);

type Day_Of_Month is range 0 .. 31;
type Month_Number is range 1 .. 12;
type Historical_Year is range -6_000 .. 2_500;

type Date is
Day : Day_Of_Month;
Month : Month_Number;
Year : Historical_Year;
end record;

In particular, Day should be used in preference to Days or Day_Type.

The identifier Historical_Year might appear to be specific, but it is actually general, with the adjective historical describing the range constraint:

procedure Disk_Driver is

-- In this procedure, a number of important disk parameters are
-- linked.
Number_Of_Sectors : constant := 4;
Number_Of_Tracks : constant := 200;
Number_Of_Surfaces : constant := 18;
Sector_Capacity : constant := 4_096;

Track_Capacity : constant := Number_Of_Sectors * Sector_Capacity;
Surface_Capacity : constant := Number_Of_Tracks * Track_Capacity;
Disk_Capacity : constant := Number_Of_Surfaces * Surface_Capacity;

type Sector_Range is range 1 .. Number_Of_Sectors;
type Track_Range is range 1 .. Number_Of_Tracks;
type Surface_Range is range 1 .. Number_Of_Surfaces;

type Track_Map is array (Sector_Range) of ...;
type Surface_Map is array (Track_Range) of Track_Map;
type Disk_Map is array (Surface_Range) of Surface_Map;

begin -- Disk_Driver
end Disk_Driver;

The suffixes _Capacity, _Range, and _Map help define the purpose of the above subtypes and avoid the search for synonyms for the sector, track, and surface abstractions. Without the suffixes, you would need three different names per abstraction, one to describe each of the concepts succinctly named in the suffix. This recommendation only applies to certain visible subtypes. Private types, for example, should be given a good name that reflects the abstraction being represented.


When this style and the suggested style for object identifiers are used, program code more closely resembles English (see Guideline 3.2.3). Furthermore, this style is consistent with the names of the language's predefined identifiers. They are not named Integers, Booleans, Integer_Type, or Boolean_Type.

However, using the name of a subtype from the predefined packages is sure to confuse a programmer when that subtype appears somewhere without a package qualification.


This style guide tries to be consistent with the Ada Reference Manual (1995) in use of the terms "type" and "subtype" name. In general, a "type" refers to the abstract concept, as in a type declaration, while the "subtype" refers to the name given to that abstract concept in an actual declaration. Thus, what was called a type name in Ada 83 (Ada Reference Manual 1983) is now called a subtype name.

Object Names


  • Use predicate clauses or adjectives for Boolean objects.
  • Use singular, specific nouns as object identifiers.
  • Choose identifiers that describe the object's value during execution.
  • Use singular, general nouns as identifiers for record components.


Non-Boolean objects:

Today           : Day;
Yesterday : Day;
Retirement_Date : Date;

Boolean objects:

User_Is_Available : Boolean;        -- predicate clause
List_Is_Empty : Boolean; -- predicate clause
Empty : Boolean; -- adjective
Bright : Boolean; -- adjective


Using specific nouns for objects establishes a context for understanding the object's value, which is one of the general values described by the subtype's name (see Guideline 3.2.2). Object declarations become very English-like with this style. For example, the first declaration above is read as "Today is a Day."

General nouns, rather than specific, are used for record components because a record object's name will supply the context for understanding the component. Thus, the following component is understood as "the year of retirement":


Following conventions that relate object types and parts of speech makes code read more like text. For example, because of the names chosen, the following code segment needs no comments:

if List_Is_Empty then
Number_Of_Elements := 0;
Number_Of_Elements := Length_Of_List;
end if;


If it is difficult to find a specific noun that describes an object's value during the entire execution of a program, the object is probably serving multiple purposes. Multiple objects should be used in such a case.

Naming of Tagged Types and Associated Packages


  • Use a consistent naming convention for tagged types and associated packages.


Naming conventions spark "religious wars"; therefore, two different instantiations are presented. The first instantiation integrates the use of object-oriented features. Except for two special cases, it applies the same naming conventions to declarations, independent of whether they use an object-oriented feature:

  • Name tagged types no differently than subtype names (see Guideline 3.2.2).
  • Use the prefix Abstract_ for packages that export an abstraction for which you intend to provide multiple implementations (see Guideline 9.2.4).
  • Use the suffix _Mixin for packages that provide units of functionality that can be "mixed in" to core abstractions.

The second instantiation highlights the use of object-oriented features through special names or suffixes:

  • Name class packages after the object they represent, without a suffix (Rosen 1995).
  • Name mixin packages after the facet they represent, appending the suffix _Facet (Rosen 1995).
  • Name the main tagged type Instance (Rosen 1995).
  • Follow the declaration of the specific type with a subtype named Class for the corresponding class-wide type (Rosen 1995).


The following two-part example from the Rationale (1995, §§4.4.4 and 4.6.2) applies the naming conventions of the first instantiation.

For the first part of this example, assume the type Set_Element was declared elsewhere:

package Abstract_Sets is

type Set is abstract tagged private;

-- empty set
function Empty return Set is abstract;

-- build set with 1 element
function Unit (Element: Set_Element) return Set is abstract;

-- union of two sets
function Union (Left, Right: Set) return Set is abstract;

-- intersection of two sets
function Intersection (Left, Right: Set) return Set is abstract;

-- remove an element from a set
procedure Take (From : in out Set;
Element : out set_Element) is abstract;

Element_Too_Large : exception;
type Set is abstract tagged null record;
end Abstract_Sets;

with Abstract_Sets;
package Bit_Vector_Sets is -- one implementation of set abstraction

type Bit_Set is new Abstract_Sets.Set with private;
Bit_Set_Size : constant := 64;
type Bit_Vector is ...
type Bit_Set is new Abstract_Sets.Set with
Data : Bit_Vector;
end record;
end Bit_Vector_Sets;

with Abstract_Sets;
package Sparse_Sets -- alternate implementation of set abstraction

type Sparse_Set is new Abstract_Sets.Set with private;
end Bit_Vector_Sets;

The second part of this example applies the naming convention to mixin packages that support a windowing system:

-- assume you have type Basic_Window is tagged limited private;

type Some_Window is abstract new Basic_Window with private;
package Label_Mixin is
type Window_With_Label is abstract new Some_Window with private;
end Label_Mixin;

type Some_Window is abstract new Basic_Window with private;
package Border_Mixin is
type Window_With_Label is abstract new Some_Window with private;
end Border_Mixin;

The following example applies the naming conventions of the second instantiation, as discussed in Rosen (1995):

package Shape is
subtype Side_Count is range 0 .. 100;
type Instance (Sides: Side_Count) is tagged private;
subtype Class is Instance'Class;
. . .
-- operations on Shape.Instance
. . .
end Shape;

with Shape; use Shape;
package Line is
type Instance is new Shape.Instance with private;
subtype Class is Instance'Class;
. . .
-- Overridden or new operations
. . .
end Line;

with Shape; use Shape;
type Origin is new Shape.Instance;
package With_Color_Facet is
type Instance is new Origin with private;
subtype Class is Instance'Class;
-- operations for colored shapes
. . .
end With_Color_Facet;

with Line; use Line;
with With_Color_Facet;
package Colored_Line is new With_Color_Facet (Line.Instance);

Sample declarations might look like:

Red_Line : Colored_Line.Instance;

procedure Draw (What : Shape.Instance);

The above scheme works whether you use full names or a use clause. As long as you use the same name for all the specific types (i.e., type Instance) and class-wide types, the unqualified names will always hide one another. Thus, the compiler will insist you use full name qualification to resolve the ambiguity introduced by the use clause (Rosen 1995).


You want to use a naming scheme that is consistent and readable and conveys the intent of the abstraction. Ideally, the naming scheme should be uniform in how it handles the different ways in which tagged types are used to create classes. If the naming convention is too rigid, however, you will write code fragments that appear stilted from a readability point of view. By using a similar naming convention for type extension through derivation and through generic mixin (see also Guideline 9.5.1), you achieve readable declarations of objects and procedures.


A naming convention for classes draws a hard line between object-oriented abstractions and other kinds of abstractions. Given that engineers have been defining abstract data types in Ada 83 (Ada Reference Manual 1983) for over 10 years, you may not want to change the naming convention just for the sake of using type extension with a type. You must consider how important it is to call out uses of inheritance in the overall use of abstractions in your program. If you prefer to emphasize abstraction, in general, over the mechanism used to implement the abstraction (i.e., inheritance, type-extension, and polymorphism), you may not want to impose such a stringent naming convention. You do not hamper quality by favoring a smoother transition in naming conventions from abstractions developed without inheritance to those developed with inheritance.

If you choose a naming convention that highlights the use of object-oriented features and later decide to change the declaration to one that does not use an object-oriented feature, the change may be expensive. You must naturally change all occurrences of the names and must be careful not to introduce errors as you update the names. If you choose a naming convention that prohibits the use of suffixes or prefixes to characterize the declaration, you lose the opportunity to convey the intended usage of the declared item.

Program Unit Names


  • Use action verbs for procedures and entries.
  • Use predicate clauses for Boolean functions.
  • Use nouns for non-Boolean functions.
  • Give packages names that imply a higher level of organization than subprograms. Generally, these are noun phrases that describe the abstraction provided.
  • Give tasks names that imply an active entity.
  • Use nouns descriptive of the data being protected for protected units.
  • Consider naming generic subprograms as if they were nongeneric subprograms.
  • Consider naming generic packages as if they were nongeneric packages.
  • Make the generic names more general than the instantiated names.


The following are sample names for elements that compose an Ada program:

Sample procedure names:

procedure Get_Next_Token          -- get is a transitive verb
procedure Create -- create is a transitive verb

Sample function names for Boolean-valued functions:

function Is_Last_Item             -- predicate clause
function Is_Empty -- predicate clause

Sample function names for non-Boolean-valued functions:

function Successor                -- common noun
function Length -- attribute
function Top -- component

Sample package names:

package Terminals is               -- common noun
package Text_Routines is -- common noun

Sample protected objects:

protected Current_Location is      -- data being protected
protected type Guardian is -- noun implying protection

Sample task names:

task Terminal_Resource_Manager is  -- common noun that shows action

The following sample piece of code shows the clarity that results from using the parts-of-speech naming conventions:


case Current_Token is
when Identifier => Process_Identifier;
when Numeric => Process_Numeric;
end case; -- Current_Token

if Is_Empty(Current_List) then
Number_Of_Elements := 0;
Number_Of_Elements := Length(Current_List);
end if;

When packages and their subprograms are named together, the resulting code is very descriptive:

if Stack.Is_Empty(Current_List) then
Current_Token := Stack.Top(Current_List);
end if;


Using these naming conventions creates understandable code that reads much like natural language. When verbs are used for actions, such as subprograms, and nouns are used for objects, such as the data that the subprogram manipulates, code is easier to read and understand. This models a medium of communication already familiar to a reader. Where the pieces of a program model a real-life situation, using these conventions reduces the number of translation steps involved in reading and understanding the program. In a sense, your choice of names reflects the level of abstraction from computer hardware toward application requirements.

See also Guideline 3.2.4 for the use of special-purpose suffixes in packages associated with tagged types.


There are some conflicting conventions in current use for task entries. Some programmers and designers advocate naming task entries with the same conventions used for subprograms to blur the fact that a task is involved. Their reasoning is that if the task is reimplemented as a package, or vice versa, the names need not change. Others prefer to make the fact of a task entry as explicit as possible to ensure that the existence of a task with its presumed overhead is recognizable. Project-specific priorities may be useful in choosing between these conventions.

Constants and Named Numbers


  • Use symbolic values instead of literals where the symbolic value improves readability.
  • Use symbolic values instead of literals if the value occurs at more than one place and might need to be changed.
  • Use the predefined constants Ada.Numerics.Pi and Ada.Numerics.e for the mathematical constants Pi and e.
  • Use constants instead of variables for constant values.
  • Use a constant when the value is specific to a type or when the value must be static.
  • Use named numbers instead of constants, whenever possible.
  • Use named numbers to replace numeric literals whose type or context is truly universal.
  • Use constants for objects whose values cannot change after elaboration (United Technologies 1987).
  • Show relationships between symbolic values by defining them with static expressions.
  • Use linearly independent sets of literals.
  • Use attributes like 'First and 'Last instead of literals, wherever possible.


3.14159_26535_89793                                 -- literal
Max_Entries : constant Integer := 400; -- constant
Avogadros_Number : constant := 6.022137 * 10**23; -- named number
Avogadros_Number / 2 -- static expression
Avogadros_Number -- symbolic value

Declaring Pi as a named number (assuming a with clause for the predefined package Ada.Numerics in the Ada Reference Manual [1995, §A.5] allows it to be referenced symbolically in the assignment statement below:

Area :=       Pi * Radius**2;       -- if radius is known.

instead of:

Area := 3.14159 * Radius**2;        -- Needs explanatory comment

Also, Ada.Characters.Latin_1.Bel is more expressive than Character'Val(8#007#).

Clarity of constant and named number declarations can be improved by using other constant and named numbers. For example:

Bytes_Per_Page   : constant := 512;
Pages_Per_Buffer : constant := 10;
Buffer_Size : constant := Pages_Per_Buffer * Bytes_Per_Page;

is more self-explanatory and easier to maintain than:

Buffer_Size : constant := 5_120;   -- ten pages

The following literals should be constants:

if New_Character  = '$' then  -- "constant" that may change
if Current_Column = 7 then -- "constant" that may change


Using identifiers instead of literals makes the purpose of expressions clear, reducing the need for comments. Constant declarations consisting of expressions of numeric literals are safer because they do not need to be computed by hand. They are also more enlightening than a single numeric literal because there is more opportunity for embedding explanatory names. Clarity of constant declarations can be improved further by using other related constants in static expressions defining new constants. This is not less efficient because static expressions of named numbers are computed at compile time.

A constant has a type. A named number can only be a universal type: universal_integer or universal_real. Strong typing is enforced for constants but not for named numbers or literals. Named numbers allow compilers to generate more efficient code than for constants and to perform more complete error checking at compile time. If the literal contains a large number of digits (as Pi in the example above), the use of an identifier reduces keystroke errors. If keystroke errors occur, they are easier to locate either by inspection or at compile time.

Independence of literals means that the few literals that are used do not depend on one another and that any relationship between constant or named values is shown in the static expressions. Linear independence of literal values gives the property that if one literal value changes, all of the named numbers of values dependent on that literal are automatically changed.

See Guideline 4.1.4 for additional guidelines on choosing a parameterless function versus a constant.


There are situations where a literal is a better choice than a name. For this to be the case, the following conditions have to be fulfilled:

  • The literal has to be self-explanatory in the respective context, such that replacing the literal by a symbolic value would not improve the readability.
  • The value is either unchangeable or only occurs at one single place in the code, such that replacing the literal by a symbolic value would not improve the maintainability.

For example, the literals in the following well known relationship are both self-explanatory and unchangeable:

   Fahrenheit := 32.0 + (9.0 * Celsius) / 5.0;

As a second example, dividing by the literal 2 is self-explanatory in a binary search algorithm context. And, since the value is also unchangeably related with the algorithm, it also does not matter if the literal occurs at more than one place in the code (for example due to loop unrolling). Therefore, the use of a symbolic value like the following would neither improve readability nor maintainability:

   Binary_Search_Divisor : constant := 2;



  • Use a name that indicates the kind of problem the exception represents.


Invalid_Name: exception;
Stack_Overflow: exception;


Naming exceptions according to the kind of problem they are detecting enhances the readability of the code. You should name your exceptions as precisely as you can so that the maintainer of the code understands why the exception might be raised. A well-named exception should be meaningful to the clients of the package declaring the exception.



  • Include a prefix like New, Make, or Create in naming constructors (in this sense, operations to create and/or initialize an object).
  • Use names indicative of their content for child packages containing constructors.


  • Name a child package containing constructors \<whatever\>.Constructor.


function Make_Square (Center : Cartesian_Coordinates;
Side : Positive)
return Square;


Including a word like New, Make, or Create in a constructor name makes its purpose clear. You may want to restrict the use of the prefix New to constructors that return an access value because the prefix suggests the internal use of an allocator.

Putting all constructors in a child package, even when they return access values, is a useful organizational principle.

For information regarding the use of Ada constructors, refer to Guideline 9.3.3.