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3.4 Using Types

Strong typing promotes reliability in software. The type definition of an object defines all legal values and operations and allows the compiler to check for and identify potential errors during compilation. In addition, the rules of type allow the compiler to generate code to check for violations of type constraints at execution time. Using these Ada compiler's features facilitates earlier and more complete error detection than that which is available with less strongly typed languages.

Declaring Types


  • Limit the range of scalar types as much as possible.
  • Seek information about possible values from the application.
  • Do not reuse any of the subtype names in package Standard.
  • Use subtype declarations to improve program readability (Booch 1987).
  • Use derived types and subtypes in concert (see Guideline 5.3.1).


subtype Card_Image is String (1 .. 80);
Input_Line : Card_Image := (others => ' ');
-- restricted integer type:
type Day_Of_Leap_Year is range 1 .. 366;
subtype Day_Of_Non_Leap_Year is Day_Of_Leap_Year range 1 .. 365;

By the following declaration, the programmer means, "I haven't the foggiest idea how many," but the actual base range will show up buried in the code or as a system parameter:

Employee_Count : Integer;


Eliminating meaningless values from the legal range improves the compiler's ability to detect errors when an object is set to an invalid value. This also improves program readability. In addition, it forces you to carefully think about each use of objects declared to be of the subtype.

Different implementations provide different sets of values for most of the predefined types. A reader cannot determine the intended range from the predefined names. This situation is aggravated when the predefined names are overloaded.

The names of an object and its subtype can clarify their intended use and document low-level design decisions. The example above documents a design decision to restrict the software to devices whose physical parameters are derived from the characteristics of punch cards. This information is easy to find for any later changes, thus enhancing program maintainability.

You can rename a type by declaring a subtype without a constraint (Ada Reference Manual 1995, §8.5). You cannot overload a subtype name; overloading only applies to callable entities. Enumeration literals are treated as parameterless functions and so are included in this rule.

Types can have highly constrained sets of values without eliminating useful values. Usage as described in Guideline 5.3.1 eliminates many flag variables and type conversions within executable statements. This renders the program more readable while allowing the compiler to enforce strong typing constraints.


Subtype declarations do not define new types, only constraints for existing types.

Any deviation from this guideline detracts from the advantages of the strong typing facilities of the Ada language.


There are cases where you do not have a particular dependence on any range of numeric values. Such situations occur, for example, with array indices (e.g., a list whose size is not fixed by any particular semantics). See Guideline 7.2.1 for a discussion of appropriate uses of predefined types.

Enumeration Types


  • Use enumeration types instead of numeric codes.
  • Only if absolutely necessary, use representation clauses to match requirements of external devices.



type Color is (Blue, Red, Green, Yellow);

rather than:

Blue   : constant := 1;
Red : constant := 2;
Green : constant := 3;
Yellow : constant := 4;

and add the following if necessary:

for Color use (Blue   => 1,
Red => 2,
Green => 3,
Yellow => 4);


Enumerations are more robust than numeric codes; they leave less potential for errors resulting from incorrect interpretation and from additions to and deletions from the set of values during maintenance. Numeric codes are holdovers from languages that have no user-defined types.

In addition, Ada provides a number of attributes ('Pos, 'Val, 'Succ, 'Pred, 'Image, and 'Value) for enumeration types that, when used, are more reliable than user-written operations on encodings.

A numeric code may at first seem appropriate to match external values. Instead, these situations call for a representation clause on the enumeration type. The representation clause documents the "encoding." If the program is properly structured to isolate and encapsulate hardware dependencies (see Guideline 7.1.5), the numeric code ends up in an interface package where it can be easily found and replaced if the requirements change.

In general, avoid using representation clauses for enumeration types. When there is no obvious ordering of the enumeration literals, an enumeration representation can create portability problems if the enumeration type must be reordered to accommodate a change in representation order on the new platform.