5.3 Types
In addition to determining the possible values for variables and subtype names, type distinctions can be very valuable aids in developing safe, readable, and understandable code. Types clarify the structure of your data and can limit or restrict the operations performed on that data.
"Keeping types distinct has been found to be a very powerful means of detecting logical mistakes when a program is written and to give valuable assistance whenever the program is being subsequently maintained" (Pyle 1985 )
Take advantage of Ada's strong typing capability in the form of subtypes, derived types, task types, protected types, private types, and limited private types.
The guidelines encourage much code to be written to ensure strong typing. While it might appear that there would be execution penalties for this amount of code, this is usually not the case. In contrast to other conventional languages, Ada has a less direct relationship between the amount of code that is written and the size of the resulting executable program. Most of the strong type checking is performed at compilation time rather than execution time, so the size of the executable code is not greatly affected.
For guidelines on specific kinds of data structures and tagged types, see 9.2.1 , respectively.
Derived Types and Subtypes
- Use existing types as building blocks by deriving new types from them.
- Use range constraints on subtypes.
- Define new types, especially derived types, to include the largest set of possible values, including boundary values.
- Constrain the ranges of derived types with subtypes, excluding boundary values.
- Use type derivation rather than type extension when there are no meaningful components to add to the type.
Type Table
is a building block for the creation of new types:
type Table is record Count : List_Size := Empty; List : Entry_List := Empty_List; end record; type Telephone_Directory is new Table; type Department_Inventory is new Table;
The following are distinct types that cannot be intermixed in operations that are not programmed explicitly to use them both:
type Dollars is new Number; type Cents is new Number;
Below, Source_Tail
has a value outside the range of Listing_Paper
when the line is empty. All the indices can be mixed in expressions, as
long as the results fall within the correct subtypes:
type Columns is range First_Column - 1 .. Listing_Width + 1;
subtype Listing_Paper is Columns range First_Column .. Listing_Width;
subtype Dumb_Terminal is Columns range First_Column .. Dumb_Terminal_Width;
type Line is array (Columns range <>) of Bytes;
subtype Listing_Line is Line (Listing_Paper);
subtype Terminal_Line is Line (Dumb_Terminal);
Source_Tail : Columns := Columns'First;
Source : Listing_Line;
Destination : Terminal_Line;
Destination(Destination'First .. Source_Tail - Destination'Last) :=
Source(Columns'Succ(Destination'Last) .. Source_Tail);
The name of a derived type can make clear its intended use and avoid proliferation of similar type definitions. Objects of two derived types, even though derived from the same type, cannot be mixed in operations unless such operations are supplied explicitly or one is converted to the other explicitly. This prohibition is an enforcement of strong typing.
Define new types, derived types, and subtypes cautiously and deliberately. The concepts of subtype and derived type are not equivalent, but they can be used to advantage in concert. A subtype limits the range of possible values for a type but does not define a new type.
Types can have highly constrained sets of values without eliminating useful values. Used in concert, derived types and subtypes can eliminate many flag variables and type conversions within executable statements. This renders the program more readable, enforces the abstraction, and allows the compiler to enforce strong typing constraints.
Many algorithms begin or end with values just outside the normal range. If boundary values are not compatible within subexpressions, algorithms can be needlessly complicated. The program can become cluttered with flag variables and special cases when it could just test for zero or some other sentinel value just outside normal range.
The type Columns
and the subtype Listing_Paper
in the example above
demonstrate how to allow sentinel values. The subtype Listing_Paper
could be used as the type for parameters of subprograms declared in the
specification of a package. This would restrict the range of values that
could be specified by the caller. Meanwhile, the type Columns
could be
used to store such values internally to the body of the package,
allowing First_Column - 1
to be used as a sentinel value. This
combination of types and subtypes allows compatibility between subtypes
within subexpressions without type conversions as would happen with
derived types.
The choice between type derivation and type extension depends on what kind of changes you expect to occur to objects in the type. In general, type derivation is a very simple form of inheritance: the derived types inherit the structure, operations, and values of the parent type (Rationale 1995, §4.2 ). Although you can add operations, you cannot augment the data structure. You can derive from either scalar or composite types.
Type extension is a more powerful form of inheritance, only applied to
records, in which you can augment both the type's components
and operations. When the record implements an abstraction with the
potential for reuse and/or extension, it is a good candidate for making
it tagged
. Similarly, if the abstraction is a member of a family of
abstractions with well-defined variable and common properties, you
should consider a tagged
The price of the reduction in the number of independent type declarations is that subtypes and derived types change when the base type is redefined. This trickle-down of changes is sometimes a blessing and sometimes a curse. However, usually it is intended and beneficial.
Anonymous Types
- Avoid anonymous array types.
- Use anonymous array types for array variables only when no suitable type exists or can be created and the array will not be referenced as a whole (e.g., used as a subprogram parameter).
- Use access parameters and access discriminants to guarantee that the parameter or discriminant is treated as a constant.
type Buffer_Index is range 1 .. 80; type Buffer is array (Buffer_Index) of Character; Input_Line : Buffer;
rather than:
Input_Line : array (Buffer_Index) of Character;
Although Ada allows anonymous types, they have limited usefulness and complicate program modification. For example, except for arrays, a variable of anonymous type can never be used as an actual parameter because it is not possible to define a formal parameter of the same type. Even though this may not be a limitation initially, it precludes a modification in which a piece of code is changed to a subprogram. Although you can declare the anonymous array to be aliased, you cannot use this access value as an actual parameter in a subprogram because the subprogram's formal parameter declaration requires a type mark. Also, two variables declared using the same anonymous type declaration are actually of different types.
Even though the implicit conversion of array types during parameter passing is supported in Ada, it is difficult to justify not using the type of the parameter. In most situations, the type of the parameter is visible and easily substituted in place of an anonymous array type. The use of an anonymous array type implies that the array is only being used as a convenient way to implement a collection of values. It is misleading to use an anonymous type, and then treat the variable as an object.
When you use an access parameter or access discriminant, the anonymous type is essentially declared inside the subprogram or object itself (Rationale 1995, §3.7.1 ). Thus, you have no way of declaring another object of the same type, and the object is treated as a constant. In the case of a self-referential data structure (see
Guideline 5.4.6 ), you need the access parameter to be able to
manipulate the data the discriminant accesses (Rationale 1995, §3.7.1 ).
For anonymous task types, see Guideline 6.1.4 .
If you are creating a unique table, for example, the periodic table of the elements, consider using an anonymous array type.
Private Types
- Derive from controlled types in preference to using limited private types.
- Use limited private types in preference to private types.
- Use private types in preference to nonprivate types.
- Explicitly export needed operations rather than easing restrictions.
with Ada.Finalization; package Packet_Telemetry is type Frame_Header is new Ada.Finalization.Controlled with private; type Frame_Data is private; type Frame_Codes is (Main_Bus_Voltage, Transmitter_1_Power); ... private type Frame_Header is new Ada.Finalization.Controlled with record ... end record; -- override adjustment and finalization to get correct assignment semantics procedure Adjust (Object : in out Frame_Header); procedure Finalize (Object : in out Frame_Header); type Frame_Data is record ... end record; ... end Packet_Telemetry;
Limited private types and private types support abstraction and information hiding better than nonprivate types. The more restricted the type, the better information hiding is served. This, in turn, allows the implementation to change without affecting the rest of the program. While there are many valid reasons to export types, it is better to try the preferred route first, loosening the restrictions only as necessary. If it is necessary for a user of the package to use a few of the restricted operations, it is better to export the operations explicitly and individually via exported subprograms than to drop a level of restriction. This practice retains the restrictions on other operations.
Limited private types have the most restricted set of operations
available to users of a package. Of the types that must be made
available to users of a package, as many as possible should be derived
from the controlled types or limited private. Controlled types give you
the ability to adjust assignment and to finalize values, so you no
longer need to create limited private types to guarantee a client that
assignment and equality obey deep copy/comparison semantics. Therefore,
it is possible to export a slightly less restrictive type (i.e., private
type that extends Ada.Finalization.Controlled
) that has an adjustable
assignment operator and overridable equality operator. See also
Guideline 5.4.5 .
The operations available to limited private types are membership tests,
selected components, components for the selections of any discriminant,
qualification and explicit conversion, and attributes 'Base
. Objects of a limited private type also have the attribute
if there are discriminants. None of these operations
allows the user of the package to manipulate objects in a way that
depends on the structure of the type.
The predefined packages Direct_IO
and Sequential_IO
do not accept
limited private types as generic parameters. This restriction should be
considered when I/O operations are needed for a type.
See Guideline 8.3.3 for a discussion of the use of private and limited private types in generic units.
Subprogram Access Types
- Use access-to-subprogram types for indirect access to subprograms.
- Wherever possible, use abstract tagged types and dispatching rather than access-to-subprogram types to implement dynamic selection and invocation of subprograms.
The following example is taken from the Rationale (1995, §3.7.2) :
type Float_Type is digits <>;
package Generic_Integration is
type Integrand is access function (X : Float_Type) return Float_Type;
function Integrate (F : Integrand;
From : Float_Type;
To : Float_Type;
Accuracy : Float_Type := 10.0*Float_Type'Model_Epsilon)
return Float_Type;
end Generic_Integration;
with Generic_Integration;
procedure Try_Estimate (External_Data : in Data_Type;
Lower : in Float;
Upper : in Float;
Answer : out Float) is
-- external data set by other means
function Residue (X : Float) return Float is
Result : Float;
begin -- Residue
-- compute function value dependent upon external data
return Result;
end Residue;
package Float_Integration is
new Generic_Integration (Float_Type => Float);
use Float_Integration;
begin -- Try_Estimate
Answer := Integrate (F => Residue'Access,
From => Lower,
To => Upper);
end Try_Estimate;
Access-to-subprogram types allow you to create data structures that contain subprogram references. There are many uses for this feature, for instance, implementing state machines, call backs in the X Window System, iterators (the operation to be applied to each element of a list), and numerical algorithms (e.g., integration function) (Rationale 1995, §3.7.2 ).
You can achieve the same effect as access-to-subprogram types for dynamic selection by using abstract tagged types. You declare an abstract type with one abstract operation and then use an access-to-class-wide type to get the dispatching effect. This technique provides greater flexibility and type safety than access-to-subprogram types (Ada Reference Manual 1995, §3.10.2 ).
Access-to-subprogram types are useful in implementing dynamic selection. References to the subprograms can be stored directly in the data structure. In a finite state machine, for example, a single data structure can describe the action to be taken on state transitions. Strong type checking is maintained because Ada 95 requires that the designated subprogram has the same parameter/result profile as the one specified in the subprogram access type.
See also Guideline 7.3.2 .