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8.3 Adaptability

Reusable parts often need to be changed before they can be used in a specific application. They should be structured so that change is easy and as localized as possible. One way of achieving adaptability is to create general parts with complete functionality, only a subset of which might be needed in a given application. Another way to achieve adaptability is to use Ada's generic construct to produce parts that can be appropriately instantiated with different parameters. Both of these approaches avoid the error-prone process of adapting a part by changing its code but have limitations and can carry some overhead. Anticipated changes, that is, changes that can be reasonably foreseen by the developer of the part, should be provided for as far as possible. Unanticipated changes can only be accommodated by carefully structuring a part to be adaptable. Many of the considerations pertaining to maintainability apply. If the code is of high quality, clear, and conforms to well-established design principles such as information hiding, it is easier to adapt in unforeseen ways.

Complete Functionality


  • Provide core functionality in a reusable part or set of parts so that the functionality in this abstraction can be meaningfully extended by its reusers.
  • More specifically, provide initialization and finalization procedures for every data structure that may contain dynamic data.
  • For data structures needing initialization and finalization, consider deriving them, when possible, from the types Ada.Finalization.Controlled or Ada.Finalization.Limited_Controlled.


   Incoming : Queue;
Set_Initial (Incoming); -- initialization operation
if Is_Full (Incoming) then -- query operation
end if;
Clean_Up (Incoming); -- finalization operation


This functionality is particularly important in designing/programming an abstraction. You have to balance the completeness of the abstraction against its extensibility. Completeness ensures that you have configured the abstraction correctly, without built-in assumptions about its execution environment. It also ensures the proper separation of functions so that they are useful to the current application and, in other combinations, to other applications. Extensibility ensures that reusers can add functionality by extension, using tagged type hierarchies (see Guideline 8.4.8 and Chapter 9) or child library packages (see Guidelines 4.1.6, 8.4.1, and 9.4.1).

In designing for reuse, you need to think in terms of clean abstractions. If you provide too little functionality and rely on your reusers to extend the abstraction, they risk having an abstraction that lacks cohesion. This hodgepodge abstraction has inherited many operations, not all of which are necessary or work together.

When a reusable part can be implemented reasonably using dynamic data, then any application that must control memory can use the initialization and finalization routines to guard against memory leakage. Then, if data structures become dynamic, the applications that are sensitive to these concerns can be easily adapted.

The predefined types Ada.Finalization.Controlled or Ada.Finalization.Limited_Controlled provide automatic, user-definable initialization, adjustment, and finalization procedures. When you declare controlled types and objects, you are guaranteed that the compiler will insert the necessary calls to initialization, adjustment, and finalization, making your code less error-prone and more maintainable. When overriding the Initialize and Finalize routines on the controlled types, make sure to call the parent Initialize or Finalize.


The example illustrates end condition functions. An abstraction should be automatically initialized before its user gets a chance to damage it. When that is not possible, it should be supplied with initialization operations. In any case, it needs finalization operations. One way to supply the initialization and finalization operations is to derive the abstraction from the predefined types Ada.Finalization.Controlled or Ada.Finalization.Limited_Controlled. Wherever possible, query operations should be provided to determine when limits are about to be exceeded, so that the user can avoid causing exceptions to be raised.

It is also useful to provide reset operations for many objects. To see that a reset and an initiation can be different, consider the analogous situation of a "warm boot" and a "cold boot" on a personal computer.

Even if all of these operations are not appropriate for the abstraction, the exercise of considering them aids in formulating a complete set of operations, others of which may be used by another application.

Some implementations of the language link all subprograms of a package into the executable file, ignoring whether they are used or not, making unused operations a liability (see Guideline 8.4.5). In such cases, where the overhead is significant, create a copy of the fully functional part and comment out the unused operations with an indication that they are redundant in this application.

Generic Units


  • Use generic units to avoid code duplication.
  • Parameterize generic units for maximum adaptability.
  • Reuse common instantiations of generic units, as well as the generic units themselves.


Ada does not allow data types to be passed as actual parameters to subprograms during execution. Such parameters must be specified as generic formal parameters to a generic unit when it is instantiated. Therefore, if you want to write a subprogram for which there is variation from call to call in the data type of objects on which it operates, then you must write the subprogram as a generic unit and instantiate it once for each combination of data type parameters. The instantiations of the unit can then be called as regular subprograms.

You can pass subprograms as actual parameters either by declaring access-to-subprogram values or generic formal subprogram parameters. See Guideline 5.3.4 for a discussion of the tradeoffs.

If you find yourself writing two very similar routines differing only in the data type they operate on or the subprograms they call, then it is probably better to write the routine once as a generic unit and instantiate it twice to get the two versions you need. When the need arises later to modify the two routines, the change only needs to be made in one place. This greatly facilitates maintenance.

Once you have made such a choice, consider other aspects of the routine that these two instances may have in common but that are not essential to the nature of the routine. Factor these out as generic formal parameters. When the need arises later for a third similar routine, it can be automatically produced by a third instantiation if you have foreseen all the differences between it and the other two. A parameterized generic unit can be very reusable.

It may seem that the effort involved in writing generic rather than nongeneric units is substantial. However, making units generic is not much more difficult or time-consuming than making them nongeneric once you become familiar with the generic facilities. It is, for the most part, a matter of practice. Also, any effort put into the development of the unit will be recouped when the unit is reused, as it surely will be if it is placed in a reuse library with sufficient visibility. Do not limit your thinking about potential reuse to the application you are working on or to other applications with which you are very familiar. Applications with which you are not familiar or future applications might be able to reuse your software.

After writing a generic unit and placing it in your reuse library, the first thing you are likely to do is to instantiate it once for your particular needs. At this time, it is a good idea to consider whether there are instantiations that are very likely to be widely used. If so, place each such instantiation in your reuse library so that they can be found and shared by others.

See also Guideline 9.3.5.

Formal Private and Limited Private Types


  • Consider using a limited private type for a generic formal type when you do not need assignment on objects of the type inside the generic body.
  • Consider using a nonlimited private type for a generic formal type when you need normal assignment on objects of the type inside the body of the generic.
  • Consider using a formal tagged type derived from Ada.Finalization.Controlled when you need to enforce special assignment semantics on objects of the type in the body of the generic.
  • Export the least restrictive type that maintains the integrity of the data and abstraction while allowing alternate implementations.
  • Consider using a limited private abstract type for generic formal types of a generic that extends a formal private tagged type.


The first example shows a case of a template providing only a data structure, a case in which assignment is clearly not needed in the body of the generic:

type Element_Type is limited private;
package Generic_Doubly_Linked_Lists is
type Cell_Type;
type List_Type is access all Element_Type;
type Cell_Type is
Data : Element_Type;
Next : List_Type;
Previous : List_Type;
end record;
end Generic_Doubly_Linked_Lists;

The second example shows a template that composes new operations out of (nonassignment) operations passed as generic formal parameters:

type Element_Type is limited private;
with procedure Process_Element (X : in out Element_Type);
type List_Type is array (Positive range <>) of Element_Type;
procedure Process_List (L : in out List_Type);
procedure Process_List (L : in out List_Type) is
begin -- Process_List
for I in L'Range loop
Process_Element (L(I));
end loop;
end Process_List;
type Domain_Type is limited private;
type Intermediate_Type is limited private;
type Range_Type is limited private;
with function Left (X : Intermediate_Type) return Range_Type;
with function Right (X : Domain_Type) return Intermediate_Type;
function Generic_Composition (X : Domain_Type) return Range_Type;
-- the function Left o Right
function Generic_Composition (X : Domain_Type) return Range_Type is
begin -- generic_Composition
return Left (Right (X));
end Generic_Composition;

The third example shows how to use Ada's controlled types to provide special assignment semantics:

with Ada.Finalization;
type Any_Element is new Ada.Finalization.Controlled with private;
Maximum_Stack_Size : in Natural := 100;
package Bounded_Stack is
type Stack is private;
procedure Push (On_Top : in out Stack;
New_Element : in Any_Element);
procedure Pop (From_Top : in out Stack;
Top_Element : out Any_Element);
Overflow : exception;
Underflow : exception;
type Stack_Information;
type Stack is access Stack_Information;
end Bounded_Stack;


For a generic component to be usable in as many contexts as possible, it should minimize the assumptions that it makes about its environment and should make explicit any assumptions that are necessary. In Ada, the assumptions made by generic units can be stated explicitly by the types of the generic formal parameters. A limited private generic formal type prevents the generic unit from making any assumptions about the structure of objects of the type or about operations defined for such objects. A private (nonlimited) generic formal type allows the assumption that assignment and equality comparison operations are defined for the type. Thus, a limited private data type cannot be specified as the actual parameter for a private generic formal type.

In general, you should choose the private or limited private generic formal type based on the need for assignment inside a generic. Limited private types should be used for abstractions that do not need assignment, as in the first two examples above. In the third example, where assignment is needed, a type derived from a controlled type is specified to ensure that the correct assignment semantics will be available. If you need equality in the body of the generic, you may need to redefine equality as well to get the correct semantics; you would then need to include a formal generic subprogram parameter for the = function.

The situation is reversed for types exported by a reusable part. For exported types, the restrictions specified by limited and limited private are restrictions on the user of the part, not on the part itself. To provide maximum capability to the user of a reusable part, export types with as few restrictions as possible. Apply restrictions as necessary to protect the integrity of the exported data structures and the abstraction for the various implementations envisioned for that generic.

Because they are so restrictive, limited private types are not always the best choice for types exported by a reusable part. In a case where it makes sense to allow the user to make copies of and compare data objects, and when the underlying data type does not involve access types (so that the entire data structure gets copied or compared), then it is better to export a (nonlimited) private type. In a case where it makes sense to allow the user to make copies of and compare data objects and when the underlying data type involves access types (so that the entire data structure gets copied or compared), then it is better to export a controlled type and an (overridden) equality operation. In cases where it does not detract from the abstraction to reveal even more about the type, then a nonprivate type (e.g., a numeric, enumerated, record, or array type) should be used.

One use of generic units is to create a mixin generic (see Guideline 8.3.8) to extend a tagged type. In this situation, you want to use the most restrictive type as the generic formal type, that is, a formal type that is both limited and abstract. When you instantiate the generic, if the actual type is nonlimited, the type extension will also be nonlimited. In the generic package, you must declare the type extension as abstract. The instantiator of the generic can then extend the type again to achieve the desired mixin configuration.


The predefined packages, Sequential_IO and Direct_IO, take private types. This will complicate I/O requirements for limited private types and should be considered during design.

There are also some cases where you must use a limited private formal type. These cases arise when the formal type has an access discriminant, or the formal is used as the parent type in defining a type extension that itself includes a component of a limited type (e.g., task type), or the formal defines a new discriminant part with an access discriminant.

Using Generic Units to Encapsulate Algorithms


  • Use generic units to encapsulate algorithms independently of data type.


This is the specification of a generic sort procedure:

type Element is private;
type Data is array (Positive range <>) of Element;
with function Should_Precede (Left : in Element;
Right : in Element)
return Boolean is <>;
with procedure Swap (Left : in out Element;
Right : in out Element) is <>;
procedure Generic_Sort (Data_To_Sort : in out Data);

The generic body looks just like a regular procedure body and can make full use of the generic formal parameters in implementing the sort algorithm:

procedure Generic_Sort (Data_To_Sort : in out Data) is
for I in Data_To_Sort'Range loop
if Should_Precede (Data_To_Sort(J), Data_To_Sort(I)) then
Swap(Data_To_Sort(I), Data_To_Sort(J));
end if;
end loop;
end Generic_Sort;

The generic procedure can be instantiated as:

   type Integer_Array is array (Positive range <>) of Integer;
function Should_Precede (Left : in Integer;
Right : in Integer)
return Boolean;

procedure Swap (Left : in out Integer;
Right : in out Integer);
procedure Sort is
new Generic_Sort (Element => Integer,
Data => Integer_Array);


   subtype String_80    is String (1 .. 80);
type String_Array is array (Positive range <>) of String_80;
function Should_Precede (Left : in String_80;
Right : in String_80)
return Boolean;

procedure Swap (Left : in out String_80;
Right : in out String_80);

procedure Sort is
new Generic_Sort (Element => String_80,
Data => String_Array);

and called as:

   Integer_Array_1 : Integer_Array (1 .. 100);
Sort (Integer_Array_1);


   String_Array_1  : String_Array  (1 .. 100);
Sort (String_Array_1);


A sort algorithm can be described independently of the data type being sorted. This generic procedure takes the Element data type as a generic limited private type parameter so that it assumes as little as possible about the data type of the objects actually being operated on. It also takes Data as a generic formal parameter so that instantiations can have entire arrays passed to them for sorting. Finally, it explicitly requires the two operators that it needs to do the sort: Should_Precede and Swap. The sort algorithm is encapsulated without reference to any data type. The generic can be instantiated to sort an array of any data type. 8.3.5 Using Generic Units for Data Abstraction


  • Consider using abstract data types (not to be confused with Ada's abstract types) in preference to abstract data objects.
  • Consider using generic units to implement abstract data types independently of their component data type.


This example presents a series of different techniques that can be used to generate abstract data types and objects. A discussion of the merits of each follows in the rationale section below. The first is an abstract data object (ADO), which can be used to encapsulate an abstract state machine. It encapsulates one stack of integers:

package Bounded_Stack is
subtype Element is Integer;
Maximum_Stack_Size : constant := 100;
procedure Push (New_Element : in Element);
procedure Pop (Top_Element : out Element);
Overflow : exception;
Underflow : exception;
end Bounded_Stack;

The second example is an abstract data type (ADT). It differs from the ADO by exporting the Stack type, which allows the user to declare any number of stacks of integers. Because multiple stacks may now exist, it is necessary to specify a Stack argument on calls to Push and Pop:

package Bounded_Stack is
subtype Element is Integer;
type Stack is limited private;
Maximum_Stack_Size : constant := 100;
procedure Push (On_Top : in out Stack;
New_Element : in Element);
procedure Pop (From_Top : in out Stack;
Top_Element : out Element);
Overflow : exception;
Underflow : exception;
type Stack_Information;
type Stack is access Stack_Information;
end Bounded_Stack;

The third example is a parameterless generic abstract data object (GADO). It differs from the ADO (the first example) simply by being generic, so that the user can instantiate it multiple times to obtain multiple stacks of integers:

package Bounded_Stack is
subtype Element is Integer;
Maximum_Stack_Size : constant := 100;
procedure Push (New_Element : in Element);
procedure Pop (Top_Element : out Element);
Overflow : exception;
Underflow : exception;
end Bounded_Stack;

The fourth example is a slight variant on the third, still a GADO but with parameters. It differs from the third example by making the data type of the stack a generic parameter so that stacks of data types other than Integer can be created. Also, Maximum_Stack_Size has been made a generic parameter that defaults to 100 but can be specified by the user, rather than a constant defined by the package:

type Element is private;
Maximum_Stack_Size : in Natural := 100;
package Bounded_Stack is
procedure Push (New_Element : in Element);
procedure Pop (Top_Element : out Element);
Overflow : exception;
Underflow : exception;
end Bounded_Stack;

The fifth example is a generic abstract data type (GADT). It differs from the GADO in the fourth example in the same way that the ADT in the second example differed from the ADO in the first example; it exports the Stack type, which allows the user to declare any number of stacks:

type Element is private;
Maximum_Stack_Size : in Natural := 100;
package Bounded_Stack is
type Stack is private;
procedure Push (On_Top : in out Stack;
New_Element : in Element);
procedure Pop (From_Top : in out Stack;
Top_Element : out Element);
Overflow : exception;
Underflow : exception;
type Stack_Information;
type Stack is access Stack_Information;
end Bounded_Stack;


The biggest advantage of an ADT over an ADO (or a GADT over a GADO) is that the user of the package can declare as many objects as desired with an ADT. These objects can be declared as standalone variables or as components of arrays and records. They can also be passed as parameters. None of this is possible with an ADO, where the single data object is encapsulated inside of the package. Furthermore, an ADO provides no more protection of the data structure than an ADT. When a private type is exported by the ADT package, as in the example above, then for both the ADO and ADT, the only legal operations that can modify the data are those defined explicitly by the package (in this case, Push and Pop). For these reasons, an ADT or GADT is almost always preferable to an ADO or GADO, respectively.

A GADO is similar to an ADT in one way: it allows multiple objects to be created by the user. With an ADT, multiple objects can be declared using the type defined by the ADT package. With a GADO (even a GADO with no generic formal parameters, as shown in the third example), the package can be instantiated multiple times to produce multiple objects. However, the similarity ends there. The multiple objects produced by the instantiations suffer from all restrictions described above for ADOs; they cannot be used in arrays or records or passed as parameters. Furthermore, the objects are each of a different type, and no operations are defined to operate on more than one of them at a time. For example, there cannot be an operation to compare two such objects or to assign one to another. The multiple objects declared using the type defined by an ADT package suffer from no such restrictions; they can be used in arrays and records and can be passed as parameters. Also, they are all declared to be of the same type, so that it is possible for the ADT package to provide operations to assign, compare, copy, etc. For these reasons, an ADT is almost always preferable to a parameterless GADO.

The biggest advantage of a GADT or GADO over an ADT or ADO, respectively, is that the GADT and GADO are generic and can thus be parameterized with types, subprograms, and other configuration information. Thus, as shown above, a single generic package can support bounded stacks of any data type and any stack size, while the ADT and ADO above are restricted to stacks of Integer, no more than 100 in size. For this reason, a GADO or GADT is almost always preferable to an ADO or ADT.

The list of examples above is given in order of increasing power and flexibility, starting with an ADO and ending with a GADT. These advantages are not expensive in terms of complexity or development time. The specification of the GADT above is not significantly harder to write or understand than the specification of the ADO. The bodies are also nearly identical.

Compare the body for the simplest version, the ADO:

package body Bounded_Stack is

type Stack_Slots is array (Natural range <>) of Element;
type Stack_Information is
Slots : Stack_Slots (1 .. Maximum_Stack_Size);
Index : Natural := 0;
end record;
Stack : Stack_Information;
procedure Push (New_Element : in Element) is
if Stack.Index >= Maximum_Stack_Size then
raise Overflow;
end if;
Stack.Index := Stack.Index + 1;
Stack.Slots(Stack.Index) := New_Element;
end Push;
procedure Pop (Top_Element : out Element) is
if Stack.Index <= 0 then
raise Underflow;
end if;
Top_Element := Stack.Slots(Stack.Index);
Stack.Index := Stack.Index - 1;
end Pop;

end Bounded_Stack;

with the body for the most powerful and flexible version, the GADT:

package body Bounded_Stack is

type Stack_Slots is array (Natural range <>) of Element;
type Stack_Information is
Slots : Stack_Slots (1 .. Maximum_Stack_Size);
Index : Natural := 0;
end record;
procedure Push (On_Top : in out Stack;
New_Element : in Element) is
if On_Top.Index >= Maximum_Stack_Size then
raise Overflow;
end if;
On_Top.Index := On_Top.Index + 1;
On_Top.Slots(On_Top.Index) := New_Element;
end Push;
procedure Pop (From_Top : in out Stack;
Top_Element : out Element) is
if From_Top.Index <= 0 then
raise Underflow;
end if;
Top_Element := From_Top.Slots(From_Top.Index);

From_Top.Index := From_Top.Index - 1;
end Pop;

end Bounded_Stack;

There is only one difference. The ADO declares a local object called Stack, while the GADT has one additional parameter (called Stack) on each of the exported procedures Push and Pop.



  • Provide iterators for traversing complex data structures within reusable parts.
  • Consider providing both active and passive iterators.
  • Protect the iterators from errors due to modification of the data structure during iteration.
  • Document the behavior of the iterators when the data structure is modified during traversal.


Ada provides several mechanisms for building reusable iterators. The following examples discuss the alternatives of "simple" generics, access discriminants, and type extension. The terms active and passive are used to differentiate whether the iteration mechanism (i.e., the way in which the complex data structure is traversed) is exposed or hidden. A passive iterator hides the traversal (e.g., looping mechanism) and consists of a single operation, iterate, that is parameterized by the processing you do on each element of the data structure. By contrast, an active iterator exposes the primitive operations by which you traverse the data structure (Booch 1987).

The first example shows a generic package that defines an abstract list data type, with both active and passive iterators for traversing a list:

type Element is limited private;
package Unbounded_List is
type List is limited private;
procedure Insert (New_Element : in Element;
Into : in out List);
-- Passive (generic) iterator.
with procedure Process (Each : in out Element);
procedure Iterate (Over : in List);
-- Active iterator
type Iterator is limited private;

procedure Initialize (Index : in out Iterator;
Existing_List : in List);

function More (Index : in Iterator)
return Boolean;

-- The procedure Get_Next combines an "Advance" and "Current" function
procedure Get_Next (Index : in out Iterator;
Current_Element : out Element);
end Unbounded_List;

After instantiating the generic package and declaring a list as:

with Unbounded_List;
procedure List_User is
type Employee is ...;
package Roster is
new Unbounded_List (Element => Employee, ...);
Employee_List : Roster.List;

the passive iterator is instantiated, specifying the name of the routine that should be called for each list element when the iterator is called.

procedure Process_Employee (Each : in out Employee) is
-- Perform the required action for EMPLOYEE here.
end Process_Employee;
procedure Process_All is
new Roster.Iterate (Process => Process_Employee);

The passive iterator can then be called as:

begin  -- List_User
Process_All (Employee_List);
end List_User;

Alternatively, the active iterator can be used without the second instantiation required by the passive iterator:

   Iterator         : Roster.Iterator;
Current_Employee : Employee;
procedure Process_Employee (Each : in Employee) is separate;
begin -- List_User
Roster.Initialize (Index => Iterator,
Existing_List => Employee_List);

while Roster.More (Iterator) loop

Roster.Get_Next (Index => Iterator,
Current_Element => Current_Employee);

Process_Employee (Current_Employee);

end loop;
end List_User;

The second example shows a code excerpt from Rationale (1995, §3.7.1) on how to construct iterators using access discriminants:

type Element is private;
package Sets is
type Set is limited private;
... -- various set operations
type Iterator (S : access Set) is limited private;
procedure Start (I : Iterator);
function Done (I : Iterator) return Boolean;
procedure Next (I : in out Iterator);
... -- other iterator operations
type Node;
type Ptr is access Node;
type Node is
E : Element;
Next : Ptr;
end record;
type Set is new Ptr;
type Iterator (S : access Set) is
This : Ptr;
end record;
end Sets;
package body Sets is
... -- bodies of the various set operations
procedure Start (I : in out Iterator) is
I.This := Ptr(I.S.all);
end Start;
function Done (I : Iterator) return Boolean is
return I.This = null;
end Done;
procedure Next (I : in out Iterator) is
I.This := I.This.Next;
end Next;
end Sets;

The iterator operations allow you to iterate over the elements of the set with the component This of the iterator object accessing the current element. The access discriminant always points to the enclosing set to which the current element belongs.

The third example uses code fragments from Rationale (1995, §4.4.4) to show an iterator using type extension and dispatching:

type Element is ...
package Sets is
type Set is limited private;
-- various set operations
type Iterator is abstract tagged null record;
procedure Iterate (S : in Set; IC : in out Iterator'Class);
procedure Action (E : in out Element;
I : in out Iterator) is abstract;
-- definition of Node, Ptr (to Node), and Set
end Sets;
package body Sets is
procedure Iterate (S : in Set; IC : in out Iterator'Class) is
This : Ptr := Ptr (S);
while This /= null loop
Action (This.E, IC); -- dispatch
This := This.Next;
end loop;
end Iterate;
end Sets;

The general purpose iterator looks like this:

package Sets.Something is
procedure Do_Something (S : Set; P : Parameters);
end Sets.Something;
package body Sets.Something is
type My_Iterator is new Iterator with
-- components for parameters and workspace
end record;
procedure Action (E : in out Element;
I : in out My_Iterator) is
-- do something to element E using data from iterator I
end Action;
procedure Do_Something (S : Set; P : Parameters) is
I : My_Iterator;
begin -- Do_Something
... -- copy parameters into iterator
Iterate (S, I);
... copy any results from iterator back to parameters
end Do_Something;

end Sets.Something;


Iteration over complex data structures is often required and, if not provided by the part itself, can be difficult to implement without violating information hiding principles.

Active and passive iterators each have their advantages, but neither is appropriate in all situations. Therefore, it is recommended that both be provided to give the user a choice of which to use in each situation.

Passive iterators are simpler and less error-prone than active iterators, in the same way that the for loop is simpler and less error-prone than the while loop. There are fewer mistakes that the user can make in using a passive iterator. Simply instantiate it with the routine to be executed for each list element, and call the instantiation for the desired list. Active iterators require more care by the user. Care must be taken to invoke the iterator operations in the proper sequence and to associate the proper iterator variable with the proper list variable. It is possible for a change made to the software during maintenance to introduce an error, perhaps an infinite loop.

On the other hand, active iterators are more flexible than passive iterators. With a passive iterator, it is difficult to perform multiple, concurrent, synchronized iterations. For example, it is much easier to use active iterators to iterate over two sorted lists, merging them into a third sorted list. Also, for multidimensional data structures, a small number of active iterator routines may be able to replace a large number of passive iterators, each of which implements one combination of the active iterators. Finally, active iterators can be passed as generic formal parameters while passive iterators cannot because passive iterators are themselves generic, and generic units cannot be passed as parameters to other generic units.

For either type of iterator, semantic questions can arise about what happens when the data structure is modified as it is being iterated. When writing an iterator, be sure to consider this possibility, and indicate with comments the behavior that occurs in such a case. It is not always obvious to the user what to expect. For example, to determine the "closure" of a mathematical "set" with respect to some operation, a common algorithm is to iterate over the members of the set, generating new elements and adding them to the set. In such a case, it is important that elements added to the set during the iteration be encountered subsequently during the iteration. On the other hand, for other algorithms, it may be important that the iterated set is the same set that existed at the beginning of the iteration. In the case of a prioritized list data structure, if the list is iterated in priority order, it may be important that elements inserted at lower priority than the current element during iteration not be encountered subsequently during the iteration but that elements inserted at a higher priority should be encountered. In any case, make a conscious decision about how the iterator should operate, and document that behavior in the package specification.

Deletions from the data structure also pose a problem for iterators. It is a common mistake for a user to iterate over a data structure, deleting it piece by piece during the iteration. If the iterator is not prepared for such a situation, it is possible to end up dereferencing a null pointer or committing a similar error. Such situations can be prevented by storing extra information with each data structure, which indicates whether it is currently being iterated, and using this information to disallow any modifications to the data structure during iteration. When the data structure is declared as a limited private type, as should usually be the case when iterators are involved, the only operations defined on the type are declared explicitly in the package that declares the type, making it possible to add such tests to all modification operations.

The Rationale (1995, §4.4.4) notes that the access discriminant and type extension techniques are inversions of each other. In the access discriminant approach, you have to write out the looping mechanism for each action. In the type extension approach, you write one loop and dispatch to the desired action. Thus, an iterator that uses the access discriminant technique would be considered active, while an iterator that uses the type extension technique would be considered passive.


You can use an access to subprogram type as an alternative to generic instantiation, using a nongeneric parameter as a pointer to subprogram. You would then apply the referenced subprogram to every element in a collection ( Rationale 1995, §3.7.2). There are drawbacks to this approach, however, because you cannot use it to create a general purpose iterator. Anonymous access to subprogram parameters is not allowed in Ada; thus, the following fragment is illegal:

procedure Iterate (C      : Collection;
Action : access procedure (E : in out Element));

The formal parameter Action must be of a named access subtype, as in:

type Action_Type is access procedure (E : in out Element);
procedure Iterate (C : Collection;
Action : Action_Type);

In order for this to work, you must make sure that the action subprogram is in scope and not defined internal to another subprogram. If it is defined as a nested procedure, it would be illegal to access it. See the Rationale (1995, §4.4.4) for a more complete example.

For further discussion of passive and active iterators, see the Rationale (1995, §3.7.1 and §4.4.4), Ross (1989), and Booch (1987).

Decimal Type Output and Information Systems Annex


  • Localize the currency symbol, digits separator, radix mark, and fill character in picture output.
  • Consider using the # character in picture layouts so that the edited numeric output lengths are invariant across currency symbols of different lengths.


with Ada.Text_IO.Editing;
package Currency is

type Dollars is delta 0.01 digits 10;
type Marks is delta 0.01 digits 10;

package Dollar_Output is
new Ada.Text_IO.Editing.Decimal_Output
(Num => Dollars,
Default_Currency => "$",
Default_Fill => '*',
Default_Separator => ',',
Default_Radix_Mark => '.');

package Mark_Output is
new Ada.Text_IO.Editing.Decimal_Output
(Num => Marks,
Default_Currency => "DM",
Default_Fill => '*',
Default_Separator => '.',
Default_Radix_Mark => ',');

end Currency;
with Ada.Text_IO.Editing;
with Currency; use Currency;
procedure Test_Picture_Editing is

DM_Amount : Marks;
Dollar_Amount : Dollars;

Amount_Picture : constant Ada.Text_IO.Editing.Picture
:= Ada.Text_IO.Editing.To_Picture ("##ZZ_ZZZ_ZZ9.99");

begin -- Test_Picture_Editing

DM_Amount := 1_234_567.89;
Dollar_Amount := 1_234_567.89;

DM_Output.Put (Item => DM_Amount,
Pic => Amount_Picture);

Dollar_Output.Put (Item => Dollar_Amount,
Pic => Amount_Picture);

end Test_Picture_Editing;


Currencies differ in how they are displayed in a report. Currencies use different symbols of different lengths (e.g., the American $, the German DM, and the Austrian ÖS). They use different symbols to separate digits. The United States and the United Kingdom use the comma to separate groups of thousands, whereas Continental Europe uses the period. The United States and the United Kingdom use a period as a decimal point; Continental Europe uses the comma. For a program involving financial calculations that is to be reused across countries, you need to take these differences into account. By encapsulating them, you limit the impact of change in adapting the financial package.

Implementing Mixins


  • Consider using abstract tagged types and generics to define reusable units of functionality that can be "mixed into" core abstractions (also known as mixins).


Note the use of an abstract tagged type as a generic formal parameter and as the exported extended type in the pattern that follows, excerpted from the Rationale (1995, §4.6.2):

type S is abstract tagged private;
package P is
type T is abstract new S with private;
-- operations on T
type T is abstract new S with
-- additional components
end record;
end P;

The following code shows how the generic might be instantiated to "mixin" the desired features in the final type extension. See also Guideline 9.5.1 for a related example of code.

-- Assume that packages P1, P2, P3, and P4 are generic packages which take a tagged
-- type as generic formal type parameter and which export a tagged type T
package Q is
type My_T is new Basic_T with private;
... -- exported operations
package Feature_1 is new P1 (Basic_T);
package Feature_2 is new P2 (Feature_1.T);
package Feature 3 is new P3 (Feature_2.T);
package Feature_4 is new P4 (Feature_3.T);
-- etc.
type My_T is new Feature_4.T with null record;
end Q;


The Rationale (1995, §4.6.2) discusses the use of a generic template to define the properties to be mixed in to your abstraction:

The generic template defines the mixin. The type supplied as generic actual parameter determines the parent . . . the body provides the operations and the specification exports the extended type.

If you have defined a series of generic mixin packages, you would then serialize the instantiations. The actual parameter to the next instantiation is the exported tagged type from the previous instantiation. This is shown in the second code segment in the example. Each extension is derived from a previous extension, so you have a linearized succession of overriding subprograms. Because they are linearized, you have a derivation order you can use to resolve any conflicts.

You should encapsulate one extension (and related operations) per generic package. This provides a better separation of concerns and more maintainable, reusable components.

See Guideline 9.5.1 for a full discussion of the use of mixins.