8.4 Independence
A reusable part should be as independent as possible from other reusable parts. A potential user is less inclined to reuse a part if that part requires the use of other parts that seem unnecessary. The "extra baggage" of the other parts wastes time and space. A user would like to be able to reuse only that part that is perceived as useful. The concept of a "part" is intentionally vague here. A single package does not need to be independent of each other package in a reuse library if the "parts" from that library that are typically reused are entire subsystems. If the entire subsystem is perceived as providing a useful function, the entire subsystem is reused. However, the subsystem should not be tightly coupled to all the other subsystems in the reuse library so that it is difficult or impossible to reuse the subsystem without reusing the entire library. Coupling between reusable parts should only occur when it provides a strong benefit perceptible to the user.
Subsystem Design
- Consider structuring subsystems so that operations that are only used in a particular context are in different child packages than operations used in a different context.
- Consider declaring context-independent functionality in the parent package and context-dependent functionality in child packages.
The generic unit is a basic building block. Generic parameterization can be used to break dependencies between program units so that they can be reused separately. However, it is often the case that a set of units, particularly a set of packages, are to be reused together as a subsystem. In this case, the packages can be collected into a hierarchy of child packages, with private packages to hide internal details. The hierarchy may or may not be generic. Using the child packages allows subsystems to be reused without incorporating too many extraneous operations because the unused child packages can be discarded in the new environment.
See also Guidelines 4.1.6 and 8.3.1.
Using Generic Parameters to Reduce Coupling
- Minimize with clauses on reusable parts, especially on their specifications.
- Consider using generic parameters instead of with statements to reduce the number of context clauses on a reusable part.
- Consider using generic formal package parameters to import directly all the types and operations defined in an instance of a preexisting generic.
A procedure like the following:
with Package_A;
procedure Produce_And_Store_A is
begin -- Produce_And_Store_A
Package_A.Produce (...);
Package_A.Store (...);
end Produce_And_Store_A;
can be rewritten as a generic unit:
with procedure Produce (...);
with procedure Store (...);
procedure Produce_And_Store;
procedure Produce_And_Store is
begin -- Produce_And_Store
Produce (...);
Store (...);
end Produce_And_Store;
and then instantiated:
with Package_A;
with Produce_And_Store;
procedure Produce_And_Store_A is
new Produce_And_Store (Produce => Package_A.Produce,
Store => Package_A.Store);
Context (with) clauses specify the names of other units upon which this unit depends. Such dependencies cannot and should not be entirely avoided, but it is a good idea to minimize the number of them that occur in the specification of a unit. Try to move them to the body, leaving the specification independent of other units so that it is easier to understand in isolation. Also, organize your reusable parts in such a way that the bodies of the units do not contain large numbers of dependencies on each other. Partitioning your library into independent functional areas with no dependencies spanning the boundaries of the areas is a good way to start. Finally, reduce dependencies by using generic formal parameters instead of with statements, as shown in the example above. If the units in a library are too tightly coupled, then no single part can be reused without reusing most or all of the library.
The first (nongeneric) version of Produce_And_Store_A above is difficult to reuse because it depends on Package_A that may not be general purpose or generally available. If the operation Produce_And_Store has reuse potential that is reduced by this dependency, a generic unit and an instantiation should be produced as shown above. The with clause for Package_A has been moved from the Produce_And_Store generic procedure, which encapsulates the reusable algorithm to the Produce_And_Store_A instantiation. Instead of naming the package that provides the required operations, the generic unit simply lists the required operations themselves. This increases the independence and reusability of the generic unit.
This use of generic formal parameters in place of with clauses also allows visibility at a finer granularity. The with clause on the nongeneric version of Produce_And_Store_A makes all of the contents of Package_A visible to Produce_And_Store_A, while the generic parameters on the generic version make only the Produce and Store operations available to the generic instantiation.
Generic formal packages allow for "safer and simpler composition of generic abstractions" ( Rationale 1995, §12.6). The generic formal package allows you to group a set of related types and their operations into a single unit, avoiding having to list each type and operation as an individual generic formal parameter. This technique allows you to show clearly that you are extending the functionality of one generic with another generic, effectively parameterizing one abstraction with another.
Coupling Due to Pragmas
- In the specification of a generic library unit, use pragma Elaborate_Body.
package Stack is
pragma Elaborate_Body (Stack); -- in case the body is not yet elaborated
end Stack;
with Stack;
package My_Stack is
new Stack (...);
package body Stack is
end Stack;
The elaboration order of compilation units is only constrained to follow the compilation order. Furthermore, any time you have an instantiation as a library unit or an instantiation in a library package, Ada requires that you elaborate the body of the generic being instantiated before elaborating the instantiation itself. Because a generic library unit body may be compiled after an instantiation of that generic, the body may not necessarily be elaborated at the time of the instantiation, causing a Program_Error. Using pragma Elaborate_Body avoids this by requiring that the generic unit body be elaborated immediately after the specification, whatever the compilation order.
When there is clear requirement for a recursive dependency, you should use pragma Elaborate_Body. This situation arises, for example, when you have a recursive dependency (i.e., package A's body depends on package B's specification and package B's body depends on package A's specification).
Pragma Elaborate_All controls the order of elaboration of one unit with respect to another. This is another way of coupling units and should be avoided when possible in reusable parts because it restricts the number of configurations in which the reusable parts can be combined. Recognize, however, that pragma Elaborate_All provides a better guarantee of elaboration order because if using this pragma uncovers elaboration problems, they will be reported at link time (as opposed to a run-time execution error).
Any time you call a subprogram (typically a function) during the elaboration of a library unit, the body of the subprogram must have been elaborated before the library unit. You can ensure this elaboration happens by adding a pragma Elaborate_Body for the unit containing the function. If, however, that function calls other functions, then it is safer to put a pragma Elaborate_All on the unit containing the function.
For a discussion of the pragmas Pure and Preelaborate, see also the Ada Reference Manual (1995, §10.2.1) and the Rationale (1995, §10.3). If you use either pragma Pure or Preelaborate, you will not need the pragma Elaborate_Body.
The idea of a registry is fundamental to many object-oriented programming frameworks. Because other library units will need to call it during their elaboration, you need to make sure that the registry itself is elaborated early. Note that the registry should only depend on the root types of the type hierarchies and that the registry should only hold "class-wide" pointers to the objects, not more specific pointers. The root types should not themselves depend on the registry. See Chapter 9 for a more complete discussion of the use of object-oriented features.
Part Families
- Create families of generic or other parts with similar specifications.
The Booch parts (Booch 1987) are an example of the application of this guideline.
Different versions of similar parts (e.g., bounded versus unbounded stacks) may be needed for different applications or to change the properties of a given application. Often, the different behaviors required by these versions cannot be obtained using generic parameters. Providing a family of parts with similar specifications makes it easy for the programmer to select the appropriate one for the current application or to substitute a different one if the needs of the application change.
A reusable part that is structured from subparts that are members of part families is particularly easy to tailor to the needs of a given application by substitution of family members.
Guideline 9.2.4 discusses the use of tagged types in building different versions of similar parts (i.e., common interface, multiple implementations).
Conditional Compilation
- Structure reusable code to take advantage of dead code removal by the compiler.
package Matrix_Math is
type Algorithm is (Gaussian, Pivoting, Choleski, Tri_Diagonal);
Which_Algorithm : in Algorithm := Gaussian;
procedure Invert ( ... );
end Matrix_Math;
package body Matrix_Math is
procedure Invert ( ... ) is
begin -- Invert
case Which_Algorithm is
when Gaussian => ... ;
when Pivoting => ... ;
when Choleski => ... ;
when Tri_Diagonal => ... ;
end case;
end Invert;
end Matrix_Math;
Some compilers omit object code corresponding to parts of the program that they detect can never be executed. Constant expressions in conditional statements take advantage of this feature where it is available, providing a limited form of conditional compilation. When a part is reused in an implementation that does not support this form of conditional compilation, this practice produces a clean structure that is easy to adapt by deleting or commenting out redundant code where it creates an unacceptable overhead.
This feature should be used when other factors prevent the code from being separated into separate program units. In the above example, it would be preferable to have a different procedure for each algorithm. But the algorithms may differ in slight but complex ways to make separate procedures difficult to maintain.
Be aware of whether your implementation supports dead code removal, and be prepared to take other steps to eliminate the overhead of redundant code if necessary.
Table-Driven Programming
- Write table-driven reusable parts wherever possible and appropriate.
The epitome of table-driven reusable software is a parser generation system. A specification of the form of the input data and of its output, along with some specialization code, is converted to tables that are to be "walked" by preexisting code using predetermined algorithms in the parser produced. Other forms of "application generators" work similarly.
Table-driven (sometimes known as data-driven) programs have behavior that depends on data with'ed at compile time or read from a file at run-time. In appropriate circumstances, table-driven programming provides a very powerful way of creating general-purpose, easily tailorable, reusable parts.
See Guideline 5.3.4 for a short discussion of using access-to-subprogram types in implementing table-driven programs.
Consider whether differences in the behavior of a general-purpose part could be defined by some data structure at compile- or run-time, and if so, structure the part to be table-driven. The approach is most likely to be applicable when a part is designed for use in a particular application domain but needs to be specialized for use in a specific application within the domain. Take particular care in commenting the structure of the data needed to drive the part.
Table-driven programs are often more efficient and easier to read than the corresponding case or if-elsif-else networks to compute the item being sought or looked up.
String Handling
- Use the predefined packages for string handling.
Writing code such as the following is no longer necessary in Ada 95:
function Upper_Case (S : String) return String is
subtype Lower_Case_Range is Character range 'a'..'z';
Temp : String := S;
Offset : constant := Character'Pos('A') - Character'Pos('a');
for Index in Temp'Range loop
if Temp(Index) in Lower_Case_Range then
Temp(Index) := Character'Val (Character'Pos(Temp(Index)) + Offset);
end if;
end loop;
return Temp;
end Upper_Case;
with Ada.Characters.Latin_1;
function Trim (S : String) return String is
Left_Index : Positive := S'First;
Right_Index : Positive := S'Last;
Space : constant Character := Ada.Characters.Latin_1.Space;
while (Left_Index < S'Last) and then (S(Left_Index) = Space) loop
Left_Index := Positive'Succ(Left_Index);
end loop;
while (Right_Index > S'First) and then (S(Right_Index) = Space) loop
Right_Index := Positive'Pred(Right_Index);
end loop;
return S(Left_Index..Right_Index);
end Trim;
Assuming a variable S of type String, the following expression:
can now be replaced by more portable and preexisting language-defined operations such as:
with Ada.Characters.Handling; use Ada.Characters.Handling;
with Ada.Strings; use Ada.Strings;
with Ada.Strings.Fixed; use Ada.Strings.Fixed;
To_Upper (Trim (Source => S, Side => Both))
The predefined Ada language environment includes string handling packages to encourage portability. They support different categories of strings: fixed length, bounded length, and unbounded length. They also support subprograms for string construction, concatenation, copying, selection, ordering, searching, pattern matching, and string transformation. You no longer need to define your own string handling packages.
Tagged Type Hierarchies
- Consider using hierarchies of tagged types to promote generalization of software for reuse.
- Consider using a tagged type hierarchy to decouple a generalized algorithm from the details of dependency on specific types.
with Wage_Info;
package Personnel is
type Employee is abstract tagged limited private;
type Employee_Ptr is access all Employee'Class;
procedure Compute_Wage (E : Employee) is abstract;
type Employee is tagged limited record
Name : ...;
SSN : ... ;
Rates : Wage_Info.Tax_Info;
end record;
end Personnel;
package Personnel.Part_Time is
type Part_Timer is new Employee with private;
procedure Compute_Wage (E : Part_Timer);
end Personnel.Part_Time;
package Personnel.Full_Time is
type Full_Timer is new Employee with private;
procedure Compute_Wage (E : Full_Timer);
end Personnel.Full_Time;
Given the following array declaration:
type Employee_List is array (Positive range <>) of Personnel.Employee_Ptr;
you can write a procedure that computes the wage of each employee, regardless of the different types of employees that you create. The Employee_List consists of an array of pointers to the various kinds of employees, each of which has an individual Compute_Wage procedure. (The primitive Compute_Wage is declared as an abstract procedure and, therefore, must be overridden by all descendants.) You will not need to modify the payroll code as you specialize the kinds of employees:
procedure Compute_Payroll (Who : Employee_List) is
begin -- Compute_Payroll
for E in Who'Range loop
Compute_Wage (Who(E).all);
end loop;
end Compute_Payroll;
The general algorithm can depend polymorphically on objects of the class-wide type of the root tagged type without caring what specialized types are derived from the root type. The generalized algorithm does not need to be changed if additional types are added to the type hierarchy. See also Guideline 5.4.2. Furthermore, the child package hierarchy then mirrors the inheritance hierarchy.
A general root tagged type can define the common properties and have common operations for a hierarchy of more specific types. Software that depends only on this root type will be general, in that it can be used with objects of any of the more specific types. Further, the general algorithms of clients of the root type do not have to be changed as more specific types are added to the type hierarchy. This is a particularly effective way to organize object-oriented software for reuse.
Separating the hierarchy of derived tagged types into individual packages enhances reusability by reducing the number of items in package interfaces. It also allows you to with only the capabilities needed.
See also Guidelines 9.2, 9.3.1, 9.3.5, and 9.4.1.